Perivolaki Village is located 22 kms (13.5 miles) from Grevena, past the village of Ziaka. You can easily drive to the village if you follow the main street of Grevena; when you reach the Central Bus Station (KTEL) you turn left following the direction to the villages of Mavranei and Ziaka. Once at Ziaka, you drive along the periphery of the village and you follow the sign "To Perivolaki". It is only 4 km (2.5 miles) to the village. Access is easy along an asphalt roadway, as most of the prefecture's roads.
The area is in the heart of Grevena Prefecture, with mountainous terrain offering a long series of options for excursions and activities. Here one can enjoy the splendor of nature all the year round. One could go for long forest walks along paths on Mt. Orliakas; make skiing excursions to Alpine Vassilitsa; discover the wild untouched beauty of Valia Calda; go rafting in Venetico; visit the historically important Vlachochoria; collect swamps in the swamp rich region.