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Macedonia | Kastoria | Kastoria City

Kastoria Lake Wildlife

A lovely, tree shaded 9-kilometer (5,6 miles) road skirts the promontory of the lake, giving the visitor access to the sights of the lake and outstanding possibilities for bird watching (Photo underneath). The lake is at 620 m (1860 ft) above sea level and nearly every year gets frozen for about a week.

Orestiada lake, Kastoria’s lake, is a freshwater lake situated between partially forested hills, with wet meadows, reedbeds and marshes, a riverine forest and hedges with bushes.  It provides shelter and breeding conditions to a great number of species like the Little Bittern, the Night Heron, the Purple Heron, the Grey Heron, the White Stork, the Ferruginous Duck (one of the most important sites in Greece for the species), the Short-toed Eagle, the Golden Eagle, the Common Tern, the Kingfisher, and the Olive-tree Warbler.  There are regular observations of the White Pelican and the Dalmatian Pelican, while among the winter visitors, we can find the Cormorant and the White-tailed Eagle.

A lovely, tree shaded 9-kilometer road skirts the promontory of the lake, giving the visitor access to the sights of the lake and outstanding possibilities for bird watching.  One can either walk, ride, bicycle, or drive around the promontory.  Climbing to its top is not difficult, and once there, one can take amazing photographs.

To the left: Golden Eagle (Photo by Don Baccus)

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Bird Life - Bird Watching

According to a more scientific approach, the one by the Hellenic Ornithological Society, breeding species include the Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, the Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax, the Purple Heron Ardea purpurea, the Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, the White Stork Ciconia ciconia, the Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca (one of the most important, for the species, sites in Greece), the Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus, the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos, the Common Tern Sterna hirundo, the Kingfisher Alcedo atthis and the Olive-tree Warbler Hippolais olivetorum. There are regular observations of the White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus and the Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, while among the winter visitors we can find the Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis and the White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla. (Photos: Michael Tziotis)

Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birdlife

Kastoria Lake Birdlife
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds

Mute Swan (Cugnus olor) with its characterisic black knob at the base of the orange-colored bill
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Birds

Kastoria Lake Birds
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife

The Cormorant drying its feathers and enjoying the warmth of the winter sun
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife

The Cormorant drying its feathers and enjoying the warmth of the winter sun
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans

If you take a close look, you can see both White and Dalmatian pelicans
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans

If you take a close look, you can see both White and Dalmatian pelicans
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans in flight

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans in flight
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans in flight

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans in flight
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans in flight

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans in flight
Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans in flight

Kastoria Lake Wildlife: Pelicans in flight
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife

A group of Cormorans on a lakeside plane-tree
Kastoria Lake Wildlife

Kastoria Lake Wildlife


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