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Delos Archaeological Site & Museum

Despite its diminutive size, Delos is one of the most important archaeological sites in Greece, and certainly the most important in the Cyclades. Delos was a place of such importance that the surrounding islands were known as the Cyclades, since it was thought that they lay in a circle round the island on which the Apollo-Sun, god of day light and Artemis-Moon, goddess of night light were born. The special importance of Delos is emphasized by the fact that, geographically, it lies on the straight line on which also Dodona, Delphi and the Acropolis Parthenon are!

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Getting to Delos

There are special boats that take visitors to Delos, starting from the nearby islands of Mykonos, Naxos, Tinos and Paros; 99% of Delos visitors, though, make the short trip to it from Mykonos. It is a big mistake to visit the island without the help of a professional guide, even if one has prepared oneself for the visit through a lot of homework! The archaeological site of Delos is the largest open-air museum in Europe and layers of marble and stone relics of millenia of civilization lie on top of one another in a way that it is impossible, even to the most studious visitor, to find one's way around and know what is what!

On the way to the Delos boat ticket-booth

On the way to the Delos boat ticket-booth

This is a step for visitors who take the risk to visit Delos without a guide. Upon arrival they find out how mistaken they have been!
At the booth, buying our boat ticket to Delos

At the booth, buying our boat ticket to Delos

2008 rate for return trip to Delos: 12.50 Euro
The Port of Mykonos from onboard our boat to Delos

The Port of Mykonos from onboard our boat to Delos

On the quay, there is the open-air vegetable and fish market. To the right we can see the St. Nikolakis church and the Old Town Hall.
On board our Delos boat

On board our Delos boat

These boats dock at the so-called 'Delos Port', part of the old port of Mykonos. Across the harbor we see the ferries docked at the old port of Mykonos; the Mykonos New Port is some 2 km to the north, in Tourlos Bay.
On board our Delos boat

On board our Delos boat

This is the shaded deck; there is also a sundeck above.
On board our Delos boat: Light traditional motor-boat

On board our Delos boat: Light traditional motor-boat

This is the kind of vessels used to carry Delos visitors for decades in the previous century. It is actually only in the last 20 years that specially made shallow-heel vessels have taken over.
On board our Delos boat: Light motor-boat

On board our Delos boat: Light motor-boat

A traditional beauty, isn't she? Of course we are much more comfortable on our vessel!
On board our Delos boat

On board our Delos boat

Having just left the old harbor, we see Mykonos at our port (left of the ship facing the bow)
On board our Delos boat: The sundeck

On board our Delos boat: The sundeck

We have sailed out of the port and we are heading towards Delos. The ship at the starboard is a cruise ship frequently visiting the island of Mykonos.
On board our Delos boat: The sundeck

On board our Delos boat: The sundeck
On board our Delos boat

On board our Delos boat

Paraportiani church at our port
On board our Delos boat

On board our Delos boat

An unusual view of the Mykonos battery of windmills
On board our Delos boat

On board our Delos boat

An unusual view of the Mykonos battery of windmills
On board our Delos boat

On board our Delos boat

The islet of Agios Georgios
Sailing past Agios Georgios islet

Sailing past Agios Georgios islet
Delos in view

Delos in view

What you see is not exclusively Delos, it is part of south Rhenia as well.
Rhenia Island

Rhenia Island

Rhenia is an island with a very low part dividing it in two halves. On the map it is ok, but sailing to it and looking at it from far away one could think there is a strait between the two parts. Here the northern 'half' is visible, as well as part of the southern part of it.
Rhenia Island

Rhenia Island

A telephoto of the island, from approximately the same spot as the previous photo, makes this lowland part of the island visible. Local people refer to Delos and Rhenia as Deles, plural for Delos, including a number of tiny islets around them (Kounelonissi=Rabit Island is one of them).
Getting closer to Delos

Getting closer to Delos

The somewhat flattened top of the sacred Mt. Kynthos (or Cynthos, or even Cynthus) is clearly visible. Kynthia or Cynthia actually comes from the expression 'the Cynthian goddess', i.e. Diana or Artemis, born on Delos, goddess of the moonlight. Thus, it was not a noun but an epithet of the Greek moon goddess Artemis. The name is no longer used in Greece but you now know where the English name derives from...
Delos and Southern Rhenia somewhat closer

Delos and Southern Rhenia somewhat closer

We are heading precisely to the center of this photo, where there opens a strait between the two islands.
Delos and Southern Rhenia

Delos and Southern Rhenia
Delos and, behind it, the mountains of Naxos island

Delos and, behind it, the mountains of Naxos island
Delos and Southern Rhenia

Delos and Southern Rhenia

With a white arrow we have marked the northernmost promontory of Delos, where our ship is heading to.
Delos Mt Kynthos

Delos Mt Kynthos

A couple of minutes later than the previous photo, this is a telephoto of Mt. Kynthos top.
Sailing along the northern coast of Delos

Sailing along the northern coast of Delos

At last, the strait between Delos and Rhenia is visible; Rhenia, of course, to the right.
The first antiquities in sight

The first antiquities in sight
The first antiquities in sight

The first antiquities in sight
The House of Hermes

The House of Hermes

Telephoto of the House of Hermes, on the hill slope
Antiquities on the northern part of Delos

Antiquities on the northern part of Delos

A couple of visitors walking towards the pillars are barely discernible
The Archaeological Museum of Delos

The Archaeological Museum of Delos

As seen from the boat nearing Delos port
Approaching Delos port

Approaching Delos port

As Delos Express is anchored in Delos port, Margarita is speeding back to Mykonos past our ship's port side.
Approaching Delos

Approaching Delos

A short 'handshake' whistle blow and the two ships go on with their business.
Approaching Delos

Approaching Delos
Approaching Delos

Approaching Delos

Sailing past the houses for the French archaeologists working on the island
Approaching Delos: Mt. Kynthos

Approaching Delos: Mt. Kynthos

The granite steps and ramps leading to the sanctuaries on the summit of the mountain. Up here Zeus stayed for 9 long days and nights while Leto was laboring to give birth to two gods!
Approaching Delos: Turning around the edge of the promontory

Approaching Delos: Turning around the edge of the promontory
Approaching Delos: In the strait between Delos and Rhenia

Approaching Delos: In the strait between Delos and Rhenia

Delos to our port side.
Approaching Delos: The mole and the breakwater

Approaching Delos: The mole and the breakwater
Approaching Delos: Sailing into the small port

Approaching Delos: Sailing into the small port
Approaching Delos: Sailing into the small port

Approaching Delos: Sailing into the small port
Approaching Delos: Seaside shops under water level!

Approaching Delos: Seaside shops under water level!
The Delos Seafront antiquities

The Delos Seafront antiquities
Delos welcoming us

Delos welcoming us

Pure magic: a telephoto picture of part of the main archaeological site with the museum in the background, bathed in the Apollonian light; we cannot wait to disembark!
Approaching Delos: A young and restless antiquary visitor!

Approaching Delos: A young and restless antiquary visitor!

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